Channel: Pakalolo
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CO2 removal cannot save the oceans from acidification. Traumatizing upheaval...

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities and it is responsible for increased temperatures of ocean water as well as ocean acidification.  The world’s oceans...

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Methane feeds subsea ice mounds off Siberia and may be the step before the...

“Pingos are intensively discussed in the scientific community especially in the context of global climate warming scenarios. They may be the step before the methane blows out.” says Serov.A recent...

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This week will be the last time anyone alive experiences a CO2 level below...

“As a human, though, passing both the 400 ppm and (potentially) the 1°C threshold within such a short time period makes it clear we are already living in a different world. We have blown past targets...

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Climate Change wreaking havoc in Brazil. Women warned not to get pregnant. S...

The Brazilian government recently released the largest and most comprehensive report that has been done on the climate change impacts to their country. Despite the critical importance of the issues...

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What Exxon knew.

July 1977 “In the first place, there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of...

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Rush Limbaugh cooperating with the Feds to protect his property from climate...

Rush Limbaugh has a secret that he keeps from his feces throwing listeners. He is cooperating with the Obama administration in a government effort to combat climate change induced beach erosion on his...

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NOAA warns: Algal-induced seafood poisoning is migrating to the SE Atlantic...

“It’s important to know that if you eat one of these large, carnivorous fish from tropical or subtropical areas, including South Florida, there is a risk. And if you get sick after eating them, you...

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2015 Hottest Year on Record - Climate Change Breaches Symbolic Thresholds,...

“The state of the global climate in 2015 will make history as for a number of reasons. Levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached new highs and in the Northern Hemisphere spring 2015, the...

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North Atlantic storm to lash the UK, push temperatures at the North Pole 50...

The same weather system that spawned devastating storms across a large swath of the country over the weekend is expected to “explode” into a monstrous storm over Iceland by Wednesday. The Washington...

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Massive Landslide Engulfs the Terminus of Alaska's Tyndall Glacier,...

“The rumbling would have started across Icy Bay at around 8:19 p.m. on Oct. 17, 2015. In the span of about 60 seconds, 200 million tons of rock roared down the side of Alaska’s Taan Fiord valley and...

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After ISIS Battles, Libya's Largest Oil Terminal Erupts In Fire With...

This is not what our overheated planet needs. A battle between ISIS and Petroleum Facilities Guards caused this massive fire on Libya's Mediterranean Coast. Islamic State has never had control of any...

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No region in the world stands to suffer climate change more than the...

“To be sure, the Caribbean presents the most dismal pronouncement of the climate change mantra. The rebirth of a new landscape in the Caribbean forges a language of retort and anguish that goes beyond...

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In the USA, Over 200 Million People Will Suffer Serious 'Psychological...

“The incidences of mental and social disorders will rise steeply. These will include depressive and anxiety disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, substance abuse, suicides, and widespread...

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In Greenland, Zachariæ Isstrøm glacier has come undone and is flowing into...

“It’s one more side of Greenland that’s starting to lose mass … It’s like a boat that is taking on water from all sides.” Jeremie Mouginot of the University of California (UC), IrvineBeneath the calm...

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There is something odd and ominous afoot in Greenland. Did a huge melt water...

After the last ice age, glacial melt caused sea levels to rise rapidly by 120 meters. Large expanses of land that were once migratory paths and habitations for prehistoric civilizations gradually...

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Another sign of Greenland ice melting—icebergs are showing up 4 months early...

Something very weird is going on in the Arctic this winter. This past week we have seen satellite images of an apparent melt water pulse that exploded out of the Jakobshavn Glacier flushing sea ice...

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Unprecedented! Three warm January Arctic storms aim to unfreeze the N Pole...

“It’s worth re-stating. The Starks were wrong. Winter isn’t coming. Winter, as we know it, is dying. Dying one tenth of a degree of global oceanic and atmospheric warming at a time. Steadily dying with...

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A warm wind from the Arctic Ocean is howling over Siberia and it is bringing...

Robert Scribbler:In the Arctic today, there's a warm wind howling over Siberia. It's a wind blowing from the northwest. A wind originating from the Arctic Ocean. Siberia is warming up today because...

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Long after tundra wild fire flames have been extinguished the permafrost...

“Fire has been largely absent from tundra for the past 11,000 or so years, but the frequency of tundra fires is increasing, probably as a response to climate warming.  If the frequency of these fires...

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Antarctica's Scar Inlet Ice Shelf is anticipated to shatter by the end of March

The Scar Inlet Ice Shelf will likely fall apart by the end of Antarctica’s summer, predicted Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. This inlet's ice...

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