An aurora is a form of space weather. It occurs in the cloud of electrically charged particles that surrounds each planet. reports:
Juno promises to send back the best close-up views as it circles the planet for a year. Jupiter is a gas giant made up mostly of hydrogen and helium unlike rocky Earth and its neighbor Mars. The fifth planet from the sun likely formed first, and it could hold clues to how the solar system developed.
As Juno approaches Jupiter late Monday, it will fire its main rocket engine to slow down and slip into orbit around the planet. This carefully orchestrated move, all preprogrammed, is critical because Juno will zip past Jupiter if it fails to brake. The engine burn — lasting about a half hour — is designed to put Juno on a path that loops over Jupiter’s poles.
Named after the cloud-piercing wife of the Roman god Jupiter, Juno carries nine instruments to map Jupiter’s interior and study its turbulent atmosphere. Also stowed aboard are three mini figures of Jupiter, Juno and Galileo designed by the Lego Group. The Italian Space Agency donated a plaque inscribed with Galileo’s writings.
x YouTube Video“ This timelapse video of the vivid auroras in Jupiter’s atmosphere was created using observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble is particularly suited to observing and studying the auroras on the biggest planet in the Solar System, as they are brightest in the ultraviolet.”