This is beyond delicious. Proof that Vlad plays the tangerine dingleberry like a cheap fiddle.
Are we tired of all the winning yet?
“If Trump arrives along this road [to Damascus], everything will become normal with him too,” Assad said, according to a translation of the conversation. Putin then quipped that Trump would jump at the offer and if not, he’ll convince him to visit the country’s capital. “It will be repaired… invite him. He will come.” Assad replied that he’s ready to invite Trump. Putin then smiles and says, “I will tell him.”
The inspiration for the joke was the biblical story of the Apostle Paul, who was struck blind by God while on a road to Damascus, only later to be transformed into a follower of Christ.
Impeach the Motherfucker!
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— Ôüøтрøù áüøрýþò (@dimsmirnov175) January 12, 2020
I didn’t see the video posted here. And, I think it needs more eyes. Trump is a traitor and, it is absurd that he isn’t being called out for it more.