The planet now points to a slightly different North Pole because we're redistributing too much mass on the earth right now through melting of glaciers, and then letting that water run-off into the ocean and get spread around towards the equator." - William Colgan , Senior researcher at Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
A new study, spanning 47 years of key Arctic indicators, has revealed “the fundamental changes among nine key elements of the Arctic system”. According to the study abstract, warming Arctic temperatures has intensified the hydrological cycle which the authors note is “evident from increases in humidity, precipitation, river discharge, glacier equilibrium line altitude, and land ice wastage”.
The authors explain that ”downward trends continue in sea ice thickness (and extent) and spring snow cover extent and duration, while near-surface permafrost continues to warm”. A few of the climate indicators exhibit a direct correlation with rising air temperatures and precipitation are the smoking gun “of major changes in various components of the Arctic system”.
xWrecking the planet is their business model
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) March 22, 2019From the University of Alaska Fairbanks:
Jason Box of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland in Copenhagen is lead author of the paper. “The Arctic system is trending away from its 20th century state and into an unprecedented state, with implications not only within but beyond the Arctic,” he said.
The study is the first to combine observations of physical climate indicators, such as snow cover, with biological impacts, such as a mismatch in the timing of flowers blooming and pollinators working.
Climate indicators are key pieces of information that capture the essence of a system, according to Walsh. An example would be September sea ice extent, which summarizes the effects of things like temperature, winds, ocean heat and other variables.
“I didn’t expect the tie-in with temperature to be as strong as it was,” Walsh said. “All the variables are connected with temperature. All components of the Arctic system are involved in this change.
“Because the Arctic atmosphere is warming faster than the rest of the world, weather patterns across Europe, North America and Asia are becoming more persistent, leading to extreme weather conditions,” Box said. “Another example is the disruption of the ocean circulation that can further destabilize climate: for example, cooling across northwestern Europe and strengthening of storms.”
xOur study "Global sea-level contribution from Arctic land ice: 1971–2017" makes the top 50 for 2018 according to @CryoConnect analysis of @altmetric data 🌊 🌊 🌊
— Jason Box (@climate_ice) April 5, 2019Bob Berwyn writes in Inside Climate News:
Arctic forests are turning into bogs as permafrost melts beneath their roots. The icy surface that reflects the sun's radiation back into space is darkening and sea ice cover is declining. Warmth and moisture trapped by greenhouse gases are pumping up the water cycle, swelling rivers that carry more sediment and nutrients to the sea, which can change ocean chemistry and affect the coastal marine food chain. And those are just a few of the changes.
The researchers describe how warming in the Arctic, which is heating up 2.4 times faster than the Northern Hemisphere average, is triggering a cascade of changes in everything from when plants flower to where fish and other animal populations can be found.
Together, the changes documented in the study suggest the effects on the region are more profound than previously understood.
"What stands out for me is an intensified hydrological system," said Jason Box, a climate scientist with the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland and lead author of the study, published today in the scientific journal Environmental Research Letters.
Warmer temperatures have shifted forest and tundra growing seasons, boosted rain and snowfall, increased melting, accelerated glaciers and possibly even increased the number of lightning strikes that could increase the risk of Arctic wildfires in the tundra and boreal forest, Box said. "I think this is a clear signal due to climate warming," he said.
If we are to stand any chance of limiting the worst impacts from climate change, the 2020 elections must be won.