Tired of all the winning yet America?
I recently shared a story on the effects of a warming world on agriculture that will reduce the bounty of our largest State that grows most of our produce. The price of our inaction will be high, with some of our most popular foods being reduced by as much as 40% due to temperature rise and changing rain and snow fall patterns. The myriad impacts from climate change to California agriculture will raise the prices on our food, and bring about hunger for those of us unfortunate enough to not to be a part of the 1%.
Thanks to the ‘fucking moron’ occupying the oval office these shortages are not a near term threat but, occurring today. It is not because of Trumps’ climate change denial (though he and his ilk should, IMO, be charged with crimes against humanity and the planet), but because of his racist immigration crackdown. I’m amazed that any adult can believe that crops can be harvested when there are no workers to pick the food, but I’ve been amazed before since it’s inauguration.
Fortune Magazine, belittles Trump on his foolishness — Chris Morris writes:
The ongoing battle about U.S. immigration policies is blamed for the shortage. The vast majority of California’s farm workers are foreign born, with many coming from Mexico. However, the PEW Research Center reports more Mexicans are leaving the U.S. than coming here.
To make the jobs more attractive, farmers are offering salaries above minimum wage, along with paid time off and 401(k) plans, but even that’s not proving enough.
Vegetable prices may be going up soon, as a shortage of migrant workers is resulting in lost crops in California.
Farmers say they’re having trouble hiring enough people to work during harvest season, causing some crops to rot before they can be picked. Already, the situation has triggered losses of more than $13 million in two California counties alone, according to NBC News.
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